It’s a hidden gem in Cornwall
Right off the beaten track
A small hamlet still survives there
But its history takes you back
Once a thriving pilchard industry
Now a single fishing boat
Finding mackerel, lobster, crab
Keeps the fishing cove afloat
A granite cobblestone slipway
Is a feature somewhat rare
At the top a wooden capstan
So walk this slope with care
It was used to pull the boats up
Now a winch is in its place
In the past they held regattas
And a local swimming race
The cove has lots of boulders
And a river with a bridge
There’s a pretty wooded valley
Beyond the coastal ridge
A traditional Cornish hamlet
Quaint and quiet is its charm
Even Poldark filmed some scenes here
Its antique beauty makes you calm
To escape the crowds in summer
You can sit and contemplate
The peace of a simple lifestyle
The sound the lapping waves will make