What to say about Scotland
With lochs and mountains high
It’s spectacular in the autumn
The trees, the clouds, the sky
There are rapids round each corner
And the sound of waterfalls
Then those reflections on the water
Of stones and clouds and walls

When you come across a viewpoint
It simply takes your breath away
The sky in dappled glory
Of blue and shades of grey
There are sheep and highland cattle
Grazing peacefully it seems
Like rocks upon the hillside
With clumps of firtrees in between

But the colours are magnificent
The red and gold of trees
And ferns in brown burnt beauty
Can bring you to your knees
It’s a spiritual experience
To see nature at its best
The silence feels quite deafening
You can’t help but be impressed

It’s almost overwhelming
With such beauty on display
You stand and stare enraptured
And it’s changing day by day